AISH Increase
Posted November 2018
After decades of advocacy by Inclusion Alberta and the broader disability community the day has finally arrived in Alberta when AISH will be indexed to increases in the cost of living. For more information please go to:
PDD Program Review
A review of the Persons with Developmental Disabilities program will explore how to improve services for Albertans with developmental disabilities.
The review is part of the government’s commitment to improve supports for Albertans with disabilities.
“We are committed to listening to and working with the community on all issues that matter to them to make life better for Albertans with disabilities. This review will be an opportunity to explore ways to ensure this program remains relevant to the needs of Albertans today and into the future. I look forward to working closely and collaboratively with individuals, families, staff and advocates in shaping and conducting this review.”
Irfan Sabir, Minister of Community and Social Services
For more information please click link below
In the community
Coffee Talk
FREE Parent Coffee Social at your neighborhood coffee house, for parents trying to re-charge and connect with other families raising children with complex needs.
The 3rd Tuesday of Each Month
6:30PM – 8:30PM
Perks Coffee House
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Drop Ins always Welcome!
Disability Services (Children and Youth birth - up to 18th birthday)
Parents of children with disabilities sometimes need support so they can raise their children at home and fully participate in community life.
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Program provides a wide range of family-centred supports and services. Services are meant to help strengthen families’ ability to promote their child’s healthy development and encourage their child’s participation in activities at home and in the community.
COVID-19 update - As of May 1, 2022
Distancing and masking requirements amongst CommunityAIM staff members remains in effect.
We would like to acknowledge everyone for all the hard work and dedication in helping keep everyone safe throughout the COVID situation. Thank you to everyone who has helped book, assist and help get staff members, Individuals, and family members vaccinated a s they chose. Your assistance helped get us closer to where we want to be for our loved ones and give us the ability to celebrate milestones and holidays, picnics, and vacations together again.
Inclusion Alberta - Advocate for Children and Adults
Inclusion Alberta is a family-based non-profit federation that advocates on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. Together, we share a dream of meaningful family life and community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities. As an advocacy organization we support families and individuals in their desire to be fully included in community life.
Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) - Adults
Financial and health benefits for eligible Albertans with a permanent medical condition that prevents them from earning a living.
Disability Services (PDD) - Adults (18+)
PDD funds programs and services to help adult Albertans with developmental disabilities to be a part of their communities and live as independently as they can.
The program funds four kinds of staffing supports based on an individualized service plan:
Community Living Supports help individuals in their home (for example: meal planning and housekeeping)
Employment Supports train, educate and support individuals to get and keep jobs
Community Access Supports help individuals participate in their community (for example: volunteering, going to clubs, sports and other activities)
Specialized Community Supports are generally short-term supports to help with special circumstances (for example: extra help when a person is having trouble)
Disability Services (FSCD) - Children and Youth (up to age 18) - Parents of children with disabilities sometimes need support so they can raise their children at home and fully participate in community life.
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Program provides a wide range of family-centred supports and services. Services are meant to help strengthen families’ ability to promote their child’s healthy development and encourage their child’s participation in activities at home and in the community.
Gateway Association
In 1975, a group of passionate parents fought to open doors for their children. Gateway Association emerged as the “Gateway to a better life” they envisioned for people with disabilities and their families.
Gateway is a family resource centre and an employment resource centre that provides education, family support, mentorship and inclusive employment. It is our mission to assist the community to understand disabilities.
Are we missing a great resource that you think we should add? You can let us know by sending us an email with the suggestion to .